In dictionaries:
running mate
Candidate paired with presidential nominee.
mate with
first mate
Second in command on ship.
mate selection
Choosing a partner for reproduction.
Second mate
Officer responsible for navigational duties.
soul mate
Perfectly aligned companion for life.
Mate choice
one of the primary mechanisms under which evolution can occur.
chief mate
Second-in-command on a ship.
Third mate
A third mate or third officer is a licensed member of the deck department of a merchant ship.
yerba mate
Traditional South American caffeinated drink.
old mate
(colloquial, Australia) An elderly man.
cell mate
Shared prison cell companion inmate.
mate guarding
Behavior preventing mate's potential infidelity.
room mate
Person sharing living space together.
mate recognition
Identification of suitable reproductive partners.
office mate
one who shares an office with another
team mate
Collaborator working towards common goals.