In dictionaries:
the mark
Mark Twain
Depth measurement, two fathoms deep.
question mark
Punctuation indicating an inquiry ends.
trade mark
Distinctive symbol identifying products, services.
water mark
check mark
Symbol indicating task completion, approval.
mark out
Designate boundaries or positions visually.
mark off
Delimit or designate a boundary.
Mark Antony
Roman politician, Cleopatra's famous lover.
Mark I
Mark I or Mark 1 often refers to the first version of a weapon or military vehicle, and is sometimes used in a similar fashion in civilian product development.
Deutsche Mark
German currency before the euro.
no mark
Absence of visible or recorded signs.
service mark
Trademark for services, not goods.
german mark
Former currency of Germany, pre-euro.
exclamation mark
Punctuation indicating strong feelings, emphasis.
black mark
Stain on personal or professional reputation.
punctuation mark
Symbols organizing and clarifying written text.