Usually means: Energy that makes things visible.
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We found 80 dictionaries that define the word light:

General (29 matching dictionaries)
  1. light:
  2. light, light, light: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
  3. light, light: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
  4. light: Collins English Dictionary
  5. Light, light:
  6. Light, light: Wordnik
  7. light: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
  8. Light, light: Wiktionary
  9. light: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed.
  10. light: The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus
  11. light: Infoplease Dictionary
  12. light:
  13. light (adj.), light (n.), light (v.): Online Etymology Dictionary
  14. light: Cambridge Essential American English Dictionary
  15. Light (DakhaBrakha album), Light (Jeff Deyo album), Light (KMFDM song), Light (Matisyahu album), Light (Music for Pleasure song), Light (San Holo song), Light (Stargate Universe), Light (company), Light (disambiguation), Light (novel), Light (philosophy), Light (spiritualist journal), Light (surname), Light (theology), Light (video game), Light (web browser), Light, The Light (Afrika Bambaataa album), The Light (Common song), The Light (Disturbed song), The Light (Glass), The Light (Spock's Beard album), The Light (Spock's Beard song), The Light (disambiguation), The Light (film), The Light: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
  16. Light: Online Plain Text English Dictionary
  17. light: Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition
  18. light: Rhymezone
  19. light: Multi-Lingual Dictionary
  20. light: Webster's 1828 Dictionary
  21. light: The Phrontistery - A Dictionary of Obscure Words
  22. light: Mnemonic Dictionary
  23. light: Dictionary/thesaurus
  24. LIGHT (protein): Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
  25. light: The Phrontistery - A Dictionary of Obscure Words
  26. Light, Light: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1898)
  27. light: Free Dictionary

Art (10 matching dictionaries)
  1. light: ArtLex Lexicon of Visual Art Terminology
  2. LIGHT: The Britannia Lexicon (Middle Ages Glossary)
  3. English-Chinese Dictionary of Graphic Communications (Big 5) (No longer online)
  4. Spanish Glossary (No longer online)
  5. Tea Glossary (No longer online)
  6. Coffee Glossary (No longer online)
  7. Wine Glossary (No longer online)
  8. Light: Dictionary of Symbolism
  9. ODLIS: Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science (No longer online)
  10. Technical Glossary of Theatre Terms (No longer online)

Business (1 matching dictionary)
  1. light: Legal dictionary

Computing (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. LIGHT: Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
  2. light: Encyclopedia

Medicine (5 matching dictionaries)
  1. Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary (No longer online)
  2. Medical Dictionary (No longer online)
  3. Light: Merck Manuals
  4. light: Medical dictionary
  5. online medical dictionary (No longer online)

Miscellaneous (7 matching dictionaries)
  1. Encyclopedia of Graphic Symbols (No longer online)
  2. Brilliant Dream Dictionary (No longer online)
  3. LIGHT: Acronym Finder
  4. Tea Terms (No longer online)
  5. AbbreviationZ (No longer online)
  6. light: Idioms
  7. Light: Castle Terms

Religion (1 matching dictionary)
  1. Light: Easton Bible

Science (7 matching dictionaries)
  1. Agricultural Thesaurus and Glossary (No longer online)
  2. Imagine the Universe! Dictionary (No longer online)
  3. Light: Extragalactic Astronomy
  4. LIGHT: Cytokines & Cells Online Pathfinder Encyclopaedia
  5. LIGHT: Zoom Astronomy Glossary
  6. Light: Solar Radiation Resource Terms
  7. Light: Eric Weisstein's World of Physics

Slang (1 matching dictionary)
  1. light, light, light, light: Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Sports (1 matching dictionary)
  1. Light: Sports Definitions

Tech (16 matching dictionaries)
  1. light: Webster's New World Telecom Dictionary
  2. High-Energy Astrophysics (No longer online)
  3. light: Electronics
  4. AUTOMOTIVE TERMS (No longer online)
  5. Basics of Space Flight Glossary (No longer online)
  6. light: Lighting Design Glossary
  7. Light: Nikonians Photo Glossary
  8. Glossary of Coffee Terminology (No longer online)
  9. Light: Construction Glossary
  10. PhotoNotes Dictionary of Film and Digital Photography (No longer online)
  11. SeaTalk Dictionary of English Nautical Language (No longer online)
  12. Urban Conservation Glossary (No longer online)
  13. Wine Taster's Glossary (No longer online)
  14. Efficient Windows (No longer online)
  15. Light: Gems and Precious Stones
  16. Glossary of Meteorology (No longer online)

(Note: See lighted as well.)

Definitions from Wiktionary (
American English Definition British English Definition
noun:  (physics, uncountable) Electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range visible to the human eye (about 400–750 nanometers); visible light.
noun:  (by extension) Infrared or ultraviolet radiation.
noun:  (countable) A source of illumination.
noun:  A lightbulb or similar light-emitting device, regardless of whether it is lit.
noun:  A traffic light, or (by extension) an intersection controlled by traffic lights.
noun:  (figurative) Spiritual or mental illumination; enlightenment, useful information.
noun:  (in the plural, now rare) Facts; pieces of information; ideas, concepts.
noun:  A notable person within a specific field or discipline.
noun:  (painting) The manner in which the light strikes a picture; that part of a picture which represents those objects upon which the light is supposed to fall; the more illuminated part of a landscape or other scene; opposed to shade.
noun:  A point of view, or aspect from which a concept, person or thing is regarded.
noun:  A flame or something used to create fire.
noun:  (slang) A cigarette lighter.
noun:  A firework made by filling a case with a substance which burns brilliantly with a white or coloured flame.
noun:  A window in architecture, carriage design, or motor car design: either the opening itself or the window pane of glass that fills it, if any.
noun:  The series of squares reserved for the answer to a crossword clue.
noun:  (informal) A cross-light in a double acrostic or triple acrostic.
noun:  Open view; a visible state or condition; public observation; publicity.
noun:  The power of perception by vision.
noun:  The brightness of the eye or eyes.
verb:  (transitive) To start (a fire).
verb:  (transitive) To set fire to; to set burning.
verb:  (transitive) To illuminate; to provide light for when it is dark.
verb:  (intransitive) To become ignited; to take fire.
verb:  To attend or conduct with a light; to show the way to by means of a light.
verb:  (transitive, pinball) To make (a bonus) available to be collected by hitting a target, and thus light up the feature light corresponding to that bonus to indicate its availability.
adjective:  Having light; bright; clear; not dark or obscure.
adjective:  Pale or whitish in color; highly luminous and more or less deficient in chroma.
adjective:  (of coffee) Served with extra milk or cream.
adjective:  Having little or relatively little actual weight; not cumbrous or unwieldy.
adjective:  Having little weight as compared with bulk; of little density or specific gravity.
adjective:  Of short or insufficient weight; weighing less than the legal, standard, or proper amount; clipped or diminished.
adjective:  Lacking that which burdens or makes heavy.
adjective:  Free from burden or impediment; unencumbered.
adjective:  Lightly built; typically designed for speed or small loads.
adjective:  (military) Not heavily armed; armed with light weapons.
adjective:  (nautical, of a ship) Riding high because of no cargo; by extension, pertaining to a ship which is light.
adjective:  (rail transport, of a locomotive or consist of locomotives) Without any piece of equipment attached or attached only to a caboose.
adjective:  With low viscosity.
adjective:  (cooking) Not heavy or soggy; spongy; well raised.
adjective:  Low in fat, calories, alcohol, salt, etc.
adjective:  Slight, not forceful or intense; small in amount or intensity.
adjective:  Gentle; having little force or momentum.
adjective:  Easy to endure or perform.
adjective:  Unimportant, trivial, having little value or significance.
adjective:  (obsolete) Unchaste, wanton.
adjective:  Not encumbered; unembarrassed; clear of impediments; hence, active; nimble; swift.
adjective:  (dated) Easily influenced by trifling considerations; unsteady; unsettled; volatile.
adjective:  Indulging in, or inclined to, levity; lacking dignity or solemnity; frivolous; airy.
adjective:  Not quite sound or normal; somewhat impaired or deranged; dizzy; giddy.
adjective:  Easily interrupted by stimulation.
adjective:  Cheerful.
adverb:  Carrying little.
noun:  (curling) A stone that is not thrown hard enough.
noun:  See lights (“lungs”).
noun:  (Australia, uncountable) A low-alcohol lager.
noun:  (military, historical) A member of the light cavalry.
verb:  (nautical) To unload a ship, or to jettison material to make it lighter
verb:  To lighten; to ease of a burden; to take off.
verb:  To find by chance.
verb:  To stop upon (of eyes or a glance); to notice
verb:  (archaic) To alight; to land or come down.
noun:  A surname.
noun:  A place name:
noun:  An unincorporated community in Greene County, Arkansas, United States.
noun:  An unincorporated community in Maries County, Missouri, United States.
noun:  Light Regional Council, a local government area north of Adelaide, South Australia, named after the River Light.
noun:  The River Light, a river in the Mid North region, South Australia, named after William Light.
noun:  (Islam) The 24th sura (chapter) of the Qur'an.
noun:  Honorific alternative letter-case form of light, sometimes used when referring to God or another important figure who is understood from context. [(physics, uncountable) Electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range visible to the human eye (about 400–750 nanometers); visible light.]






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