In dictionaries:
kick in
Begin to take effect, operate.
kick out
Expel or eject from a place.
kick off
Start or initiate an event.
kick it
Hang out, relax with friends.
kick up
Increase or intensify activity, excitement.
kick back
Relax and enjoy leisure time.
free kick
Restart play, awarded for fouls.
kick against
Resist or oppose with force.
side kick
Martial arts lateral thrusting kick.
kick ass
Exceptionally impressive, highly effective action.
penalty kick
Awarded shot for specific fouls.
kick around
Discuss informally or casually; mistreat.
front kick
The front kick in martial arts is a kick executed by lifting the knee straight forward, while keeping the foot and shin either hanging freely or pulled to the hip, and then straightening the leg in front of the practitioner and striking the target area.
roundhouse kick
(martial arts) A kick in which the attacker swings his/her leg around in a semicircular motion, striking with the front of the leg or foot.
kick start
Initiate action or process energetically.
kick drum
Percussive instrument foundational to rhythm.
corner kick
Restart play from corner arc.
flutter kick
Leg movement in swimming, continuous.