Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ verb: (transitive, sports) To gain possession of (the ball) in a ball game.
▸ verb: (transitive, American football) Of a defensive player: to steal a pass thrown by the opposing team, gaining possession of the ball.
▸ verb: (transitive, mathematics) To take or comprehend between.
▸ verb: To perform an aeronautical action in which a fighter approaches a suspicious aircraft to escort it away from a prohibited area, or approaches an enemy aircraft to shoot it down.
▸ noun: An interception of a radio broadcast or a telephone call.
▸ noun: An interception of a missile.
▸ noun: (algebraic geometry) The coordinate of the point at which a curve intersects an axis.
▸ noun: (marketing) A form of market research where consumers are intercepted and interviewed in a retail store or mall.
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