We found 46 dictionaries that define the word
General (20 matching dictionaries)
- infrared: Merriam-Webster.com
- infrared: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
- infrared: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
- infrared: Collins English Dictionary
- infrared: Vocabulary.com
- Infrared, infrared: Wordnik
- infrared: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
- infrared: Wiktionary
- infrared: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed.
- infrared: The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus
- infrared: Infoplease Dictionary
- infrared: Dictionary.com
- infrared: Cambridge Essential American English Dictionary
- Infrared (disambiguation), Infrared: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
- infrared: Rhymezone
- infrared: Free Dictionary
- infrared: Mnemonic Dictionary
- infrared: Dictionary/thesaurus
Art (1 matching dictionary)
- infrared: ArtLex Lexicon of Visual Art Terminology
Business (1 matching dictionary)
- Construction Term Glossary (No longer online)
Computing (6 matching dictionaries)
- infrared: Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
- infrared: Netlingo
- Infrared: CCI Computer
- Webopedia (No longer online)
- Technopedia (No longer online)
- infrared: Encyclopedia
Medicine (3 matching dictionaries)
- Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary (No longer online)
- online medical dictionary (No longer online)
- infrared: Medical dictionary
Science (5 matching dictionaries)
- Infrared: Eric Weisstein's World of Physics
- Imagine the Universe! Dictionary (No longer online)
- Infrared: Extragalactic Astronomy
- FOLDOP - Free On Line Dictionary Of Philosophy (No longer online)
- Weather Glossary (No longer online)
Slang (1 matching dictionary)
- infrared: Urban Dictionary
Tech (9 matching dictionaries)
- infrared: Webster's New World Telecom Dictionary
- High-Energy Astrophysics (No longer online)
- infrared: Electronics
- AUTOMOTIVE TERMS (No longer online)
- Glossary of Meteorology (No longer online)
- Glossary of video terms (No longer online)
- Infrared: Nikonians Photo Glossary
- PhotoNotes Dictionary of Film and Digital Photography (No longer online)
- Space and Electronic Warfare Lexicon (No longer online)
(Note: See
infrareds as well.)
▸ noun: (uncountable) The electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength longer than visible light, but shorter than microwave radiation, having a wavelength between 700 nm and 1 mm.
▸ noun: (countable) A specific wavelength in this range.
▸ noun: (countable) A device that emits infrared radiation.
▸ adjective: Having a wavelength in the infrared spectrum.
▸ adjective: (figurative, physics) Relating to very low energies or very large distances or time spans.
infrared radiation,
infrared emission,
infrared frequency,
infrared light,
near infrared,
mediumwave infrared,
light spectrum,
▸ Words similar to infrared
▸ Usage examples for infrared
▸ Idioms related to infrared
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular adjectives describing infrared
▸ Popular nouns described by infrared
▸ Words that often appear near infrared
▸ Rhymes of infrared
▸ Invented words related to infrared