In dictionaries:
buffalo hump
Excess fat on upper back.
hump yard
(rail transport) a classification yard or marshalling yard which has a hump over which trains are shunted, the vehicles then running on their own by gravity into various sidings.
hump yards
dry hump
Simulated sex, clothes remain on.
speed hump
Traffic calming bump on roads.
dromedary hump
dowagers hump
Curvature in upper spine, osteoporosis.
dowager's hump
The hump-like projection seen on the back of older people caused by kyphosis of the spine, consequent to osteoporosis; especially seen in women.
Hampton hump
Wedge-shaped lung infarction radiographic sign.
hump day
Middle of the work week.
hump shouldered
Shoulders raised or rounded upward.
over the hump
Past the most difficult part.
get the hump
Become annoyed or slightly angry.
gets the hump
Becomes annoyed or slightly angry.
Hampton's hump
A radiological sign consisting of a shallow wedge-shaped opacity in the periphery of the lung with its base against the pleural surface. It may aid in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism.