In dictionaries:
hitch up
Raise or pull up quickly.
clove hitch
Knot for securing ropes temporarily.
half hitch
Knot for securing, simple loop.
trailer hitch
Device for towing with vehicles.
Diamond hitch
The diamond hitch is a lashing technique used mainly in the field of equine packing, to secure a set of objects, for instance a pair of pack-bags, pack-boxes or other gear onto a base, for instance a pack saddle frame, in which case it requires the use of a lash cinch.
rolling hitch
Knot for attaching rope securely.
hitch rack
A rack attached to the back of a car, used to transport bicycles or skis.
hitch hiker
Traveler seeking rides, no payment.
hitch hike
Travel by obtaining free rides.
timber hitch
Knot for attaching rope to wood.
hitch pin
hitch hiking
Traveling by obtaining free rides.
Munter hitch
A simple knot, commonly used by climbers, cavers, and rescuers, consisting of a set of wraps using a rope or cord around an object, mainly used as a friction device for controlling the rate of descent in belay systems.
hitch hiked
tow hitch
tow bar
Blackwall hitch
Knot for attaching rope to hook.