In dictionaries:
hinge on
Depend crucially on specific factor.
Plastic hinge
In the structural engineering beam theory, plastic hinge is the deformation of a section of a beam where plastic bending occurs.
hinge upon
Depend critically for success, outcome.
Hinge line
Axis around which door rotates.
hinge region
Flexible linker between antibody domains.
hinge joint
Joint allowing movement in one plane.
hinge axis
hinge joints
Joints allowing movement in one plane.
hinge plate
Metal bracket connecting door, frame.
door hinge
Device enabling rotation of door.
hinge pin
Pivotal axis for swinging doors.
hinge teeth
part of the anatomical structure of the inner surface of a bivalve shell, i.e. the shell of a bivalve mollusk.
hinge movement
Bending and straightening at joint.
hinge position
Angle formed by adjacent segments.
butt hinge
Hinge connecting two pieces, pivoting.
piano hinge
Long, continuous hinge for stability.