Definitions from Wiktionary (handed)
▸ adjective: (in combination) Having a certain kind or number of hands.
▸ adjective: (informal) Synonym of chiral.
▸ adjective: (in combination) Having a peculiar or characteristic hand or way of treating others.
▸ adjective: (obsolete) With hands joined; hand in hand.
▸ Words similar to handed
▸ Usage examples for handed
▸ Idioms related to handed
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular nouns described by handed
▸ Words that often appear near handed
▸ Rhymes of handed
▸ Invented words related to handed
▸ adjective: (in combination) Having a certain kind or number of hands.
▸ adjective: (informal) Synonym of chiral.
▸ adjective: (in combination) Having a peculiar or characteristic hand or way of treating others.
▸ adjective: (obsolete) With hands joined; hand in hand.
▸ Words similar to handed
▸ Usage examples for handed
▸ Idioms related to handed
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular nouns described by handed
▸ Words that often appear near handed
▸ Rhymes of handed
▸ Invented words related to handed