In dictionaries:
another guise
House of Guise
a prominent French noble family that was involved heavily in the French Wars of Religion.
Mary of Guise
Mary of Guise (22 November 1515 – 11 June 1560), also called Mary of Lorraine, was Queen of Scotland from 1538 until 1542, as the second wife of King James V. She was a French noblewoman of the House of Guise, a cadet branch of the House of Lorraine and one of the most powerful families in France.
Prince Jean, Duke of Guise
Jean d'Orléans (Jean Pierre Clément Marie; 4 September 1874 – 25 August 1940) was Orléanist pretender to the defunct French throne as Jean III.
Henry I, Duke of Guise
Francis, Duke of Guise
Claude, Duke of Guise
Claude de Lorraine, Duke of Guise (20 October 1496 – 12 April 1550) was a French aristocrat and general.
Human guise
A human disguise (also human guise and sometimes human form)Or other synonymous descriptions, such as "disguised as human being(s)", or "taking human shape".
under the guise
new guise
opposite of guise