Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ noun: (mythology, fantasy) Specifically:
▸ noun: Any of the gigantes, the race of giants in the Greek mythology.
▸ noun: A jotun.
▸ noun: A very tall and large person.
▸ noun: A tall species of a particular animal or plant.
▸ noun: (astronomy) A star that is considerably more luminous than a main sequence star of the same temperature (e.g. red giant, blue giant).
▸ noun: (computing) An Ethernet packet that exceeds the medium's maximum packet size of 1,518 bytes.
▸ noun: A very large organisation.
▸ noun: A person of extraordinary strength or powers, bodily or intellectual.
▸ noun: (gymnastics) A maneuver involving a full rotation around an axis while fully extended.
▸ adjective: Very large.
▸ noun: (baseball) A player for the San Francisco Giants.
▸ noun: (American football) A player for the New York Giants.
giant squid,
giant tortoise,
giant panda,
giant anteater,
giant armadillo,
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