Usually means: Most mild, soft, and tender.
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We found 15 dictionaries that define the word gentlest:

General (11 matching dictionaries)
  1. gentlest:
  2. gentlest: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
  3. gentlest: Collins English Dictionary
  4. gentlest:
  5. Gentlest, gentlest: Wordnik
  6. gentlest: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
  7. gentlest: Wiktionary
  8. Gentlest, gentlest:
  9. gentlest: Cambridge Essential American English Dictionary
  10. gentlest: Free Dictionary
  11. gentlest: Dictionary/thesaurus

Business (1 matching dictionary)
  1. gentlest: Legal dictionary

Computing (1 matching dictionary)
  1. gentlest: Encyclopedia

Medicine (1 matching dictionary)
  1. gentlest: Medical dictionary

Miscellaneous (1 matching dictionary)
  1. gentlest: Idioms

(Note: See gentle as well.)

Definitions from Wiktionary (Gentle)

adjective:  Tender and amiable; of a considerate or kindly disposition.
adjective:  Soft and mild rather than hard or severe.
adjective:  Docile and easily managed.
adjective:  Gradual rather than steep or sudden.
adjective:  Polite and respectful rather than rude.
adjective:  (archaic) Well-born; of a good family or respectable birth, though not noble.
verb:  (intransitive) To become gentle.
verb:  (transitive, obsolete) To ennoble.
verb:  (transitive, animal husbandry) To break; to tame; to domesticate.
verb:  (transitive) To soothe; to calm; to make gentle.
noun:  (archaic) A person of high birth.
noun:  (fishing) A maggot used as bait by anglers.
noun:  A trained falcon, or falcon-gentil.
noun:  A surname.
▸ Also see gentle


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