In dictionaries:
the gang
Group of friends frequently together.
gang member
Someone regularly participating in the activities of a hoodlum group which is identified as gang.
street gang
Organized group committing criminal activities.
chain gang
Group of prisoners working together.
gang violence
Criminal activities involving organized groups.
gang rape
Multiple perpetrators commit non-consensual sex.
Our Gang
Philip Roth's fifth novel.
gang warfare
Violent conflict between organized groups.
youth gang
Group of young people, criminal activities.
Press Gang
Forced naval recruitment, often coercive.
stern gang
Militant Zionist group in Palestine.
gang wars
is a 1989 2D beat 'em up arcade game developed by Alpha Denshi and published by SNK.
criminal gang
Organized group committing illegal activities.
black gang
Group handling ship's engine, maintenance.
gang war
Violent conflict between organized groups.
road gang
Group of workers maintaining roads.
James Gang
an American rock band formed in Cleveland, Ohio in 1966.
gang fight
Violent conflict between organized groups.