Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ verb: (vulgar, colloquial, transitive) To have sexual intercourse with.
▸ verb: (vulgar, colloquial, transitive) To insert one's penis, a dildo, or other object, into a person or a specified orifice or cleft sexually; to penetrate.
▸ verb: (vulgar, colloquial, transitive) To put in an extremely difficult or impossible situation.
▸ verb: (vulgar, colloquial, transitive) To defraud, deface, or otherwise treat badly.
▸ verb: (vulgar, colloquial, transitive, often derogatory) Used to express great displeasure with, or contemptuous dismissal of, someone or something.
▸ verb: (vulgar, colloquial, transitive, usually followed by up) To break, to destroy.
▸ verb: (vulgar, colloquial) Used in a phrasal verb: fuck with (“to play with, to tinker”).
▸ verb: (vulgar, colloquial, transitive, Ireland, British) To throw, to lob something. (angrily)
▸ verb: (Singapore, vulgar, transitive, military slang) To scold.
▸ verb: (vulgar, colloquial, intransitive) To be very good, to rule, go hard.
▸ noun: (vulgar, colloquial) An act of sexual intercourse.
▸ noun: (vulgar, colloquial) A sexual partner, especially a casual one.
▸ noun: (vulgar, colloquial) A highly contemptible person.
▸ noun: (vulgar, colloquial, chiefly in the negative) The smallest amount of concern or consideration.
▸ noun: (vulgar, colloquial) Semen.
▸ adverb: (vulgar, colloquial) Used as an intensifier for the words "yes" and "no".
▸ adverb: (British, Ireland, vulgar, colloquial) Used after an inverted subject pronoun and auxiliary verb or copula to emphatically negate the verb.
piece of ass,
have it off,
roll in the hay,
get laid,
have sex,
sleep with,
have it away,
lie with,
make love,
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