In dictionaries:
freeze on
Attach or adhere due to cold.
deep freeze
Extreme cold storage for preservation.
freeze drying
Preservation by removing moisture, cold.
freeze up
Become unable to think, react.
price freeze
Temporary government-imposed stable pricing period.
wage freeze
Halting increases in employee salaries.
freeze dried
Preservation by freezing then drying.
freeze frame
Image paused during video playback.
freeze over
Water solidifies due to cold.
freeze fracture
Technique splitting cells to reveal structures.
hiring freeze
Temporary suspension of new hires.
hard freeze
(meteorology) A freeze sufficiently long and severe to destroy seasonal vegetation and lead to ice formation in standing water and hard ground. 27°F (-3°C) is considered a threshold in the US.
freeze substitution
freeze frames
Still images captured from video.
estate freeze
An estate freeze is a legal estate-planning technique used in Canada to lock in the current value (and tax liability) of a capital property for one person, while attributing the value of future growth of that capital property to another person.