In dictionaries:
on foot
Walking, not using transportation vehicles.
one foot
Unit of length, twelve inches.
set foot
To place one's foot inside.
square foot
Unit of area measurement standard.
my foot
Expression of disbelief or denial.
cubic foot
Volume unit, three feet dimensions.
by foot
Traveling or moving using feet.
foot soldiers
Infantry troops fighting on ground.
under foot
Directly beneath one's standing position.
six foot
(rail transport, colloquial) the area between the closest rails of two parallel standard gauge railway lines, regardless of the actual distance.
front foot
Leading, initiating position in activity.
foot drop
Impaired ability to lift foot.
big foot
Large, mythical creature with oversized feet.
hind foot
Alternative form of hindfoot. [A rear foot.]
Diabetic foot
Complication: nerve damage, poor circulation.
foot traffic
Number of people visiting location.
foot soldier
Infantry member fighting on ground.
setting foot
Placing one's foot in location.