In dictionaries:
sewards folly
Purchase of Alaska; considered mistake.
Seward's Folly
An unofficial nickname for the state of Alaska in the United States of America.
Almayer's Folly
Joseph Conrad's first novel, published in 1895 by T. Fisher Unwin.
folly tower
A tower built as an architectural folly, i.e. for ornamental rather than practical reasons.
In Praise of Folly
In Praise of Folly, also translated as The Praise of Folly (or ), is an essay written in Latin in 1509 by Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam and first printed in June 1511.
Bettison's Folly
At the time, Bettison was a Hull-based brewer who built the folly in what was then his garden.
Dead Man's Folly
a work of detective fiction by Agatha Christie, first published in the US by Dodd, Mead and Company in October 1956 and in the UK by the Collins Crime Club on 5 November of the same year.
Folly boat
As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly
"As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly" is an aphorism which appears in the Book of Proverbs in the Bible — Proverbs 26 (Kəḵeleḇ šāḇ ‘al-qê’ōw; kəsîl,