In dictionaries:
first folio
Original 1623 collection of Shakespeare's plays.
port folio
elephant folio
Very large book format size.
atlas folio
Collection of maps in book.
folio post
Large book format, printed pages.
Foolscap folio
Foolscap folio, commonly contracted to foolscap or cap or folio and in short FC, is paper cut to the size of 8.5 × 13.5 in (216 × 343 mm) for printing or to 8 × 13 in (203 × 330 mm) for "normal" writing paper (foolscap).
Fiend Folio
the name of three separate products published for successive editions of the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons.
Folio Society
an independent London-based publisher, founded by Charles Ede in 1947 and incorporated in 1971.The Folio Society: About Us. .
Second Folio
the 1632 edition of the collected plays of William Shakespeare.