In dictionaries:
feral cats
feral children
feral cat
Wild, undomesticated cat living outdoors.
feral pigeons
Domesticated pigeons living in the wild.
feral child
Child raised without human contact.
feral man
Untamed, wild human living isolated.
feral pigeon
Domesticated pigeons living in the wild.
feral rabbits
Feral pig
A feral pig is a domestic pig which has gone feral, meaning it lives in the wild.
Feral Interactive
Feral Interactive Limited is a British video games developer and publisher for macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows platforms.
Australian feral camel
Australian feral camels are introduced populations of dromedary, or one-humped, camel (Camelus dromedarius—from the Middle East, North Africa and the Indian Subcontinent).
Feral horse
A feral horse is a free-roaming horse of domesticated stock.
Feral parakeets in Great Britain
wild-living, non-native parakeets that are an introduced species into Great Britain.