In dictionaries:
feed on
Derive sustenance or benefit from.
feed in
Insert material for processing or use.
animal feed
Food specifically formulated for animals.
feed rate
Speed at which material advances.
feed into
(transitive, of a river) To be a tributary of another river or waterway.
feed back
Response to input, constructive criticism.
feed upon
Derive sustenance or benefit from.
feed water
Water supplied to boilers, systems.
feed grains
Crops grown primarily for livestock.
line feed
Advances text to next line.
feed off
Derive energy or benefit from.
feed grain
Crops grown specifically for livestock.
feed efficiency
feed conversion
Efficiency of feed turning into growth.
feed pump
Device that moves fluid efficiently.
chicken feed
Small amount of money; insignificant.
breast feed
Nourishing baby with mother's milk.
feed line
Alternative form of feedline [(radio) Physical cabling that carries the radio signal to and from the aerial.]