In dictionaries:
fascist regime
neo fascist
Modern revival of fascist ideologies.
anti fascist
Opposition to fascist ideologies, movements.
crypto fascist
Secretly supports authoritarian, extreme right-wing ideologies.
proto fascist
eco fascist
National Fascist Party
a political party in Italy, created by Benito Mussolini as the political expression of Italian fascism and as a reorganisation of the previous Italian Fasces of Combat.
Fascist symbolism
the use of certain images and symbols which are designed to represent aspects of fascism.
Model of masculinity under fascist Italy
The model of masculinity under fascist Italy was an idealized version of masculinity prescribed by dictator Benito Mussolini during his reign as fascist dictator of Italy from 1925—1943.
Fall of the Fascist regime in Italy
The Fall of the Fascist regime in Italy, also known in Italy as , came as a result of parallel plots led respectively by Count Dino Grandi and King Victor Emmanuel III during the spring and summer of 1943, culminating with a successful vote of no confidence against the Prime Minister Benito Mussolini at the meeting of the Grand Council of Fascism on 24–25 July 1943.