In dictionaries:
without fail
Always successful, never disappoints.
fianna fail
Irish political party, historically dominant.
fail safe
Automatically safe in failure conditions.
lia fail
fail safes
Mechanisms preventing catastrophic outcomes effectively.
pass fail
Grading system: only two outcomes.
fail soft
Gracefully degrade under system failure.
fail safing
Preventing errors before they occur.
too big to fail
Firms whose collapse threatens economy.
aged fail
Old, unaddressed failure in system.
fail safed
Automatically safe upon system failure.
words fail me
Unable to express thoughts verbally.
fail over
Automatic switching to backup system.
fail secure
Locks or secures when power fails.
fail to deliver
Failure to complete securities transaction.
epic fail
(Internet slang, originally 4chan) An utter, total failure, especially where success should have been reasonably expected.