Usually means: Termination point of an entity.
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We found 53 dictionaries that define the word end:

General (27 matching dictionaries)
  1. end, end-:
  2. -end, end, end: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
  3. end, end-: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
  4. -end, end, end-, the end: Collins English Dictionary
  5. end:
  6. End, end: Wordnik
  7. end: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
  8. End, The End, -end, end, end-: Wiktionary
  9. end: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed.
  10. end: The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus
  11. end: Infoplease Dictionary
  12. End, end, end, end-, the end:
  13. end: Online Etymology Dictionary
  14. end: Cambridge Essential American English Dictionary
  15. END, End (American football), End (category theory), End (disambiguation), End (film), End (graph theory), End (gridiron football), End (philosophy), End (topology), End, The END (Black Eyed Peas album), The E.N.D, The End (A Series of Unfortunate Events), The End (American Horror Story), The End (Australian TV series), The End (Beatles song), The End (Birdhouse film), The End (Black Sabbath Album), The End (Black Sabbath EP), The End (Canadian band), The End (Doors song), The End (EP), The End (Earl Grant song), The End (Forever in Terror album), The End (Grimm), The End (Groove Coverage song), The End (Lost), The End (Melvins album), The End (Mika Nakashima album), The End (Red Dwarf), The End (The Beatles song), The End (The Doors), The End (The Doors song), The End (The Goodies), The End (The X-Files), The End (UK band), The End (club), The End (comics), The End (disambiguation), The End (film), The End (mathcore band), The End (novel), The End (poem), The End (song), The End (story), The End (video game), The End, The End, The end: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
  16. End-, End: Online Plain Text English Dictionary
  17. end: Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition
  18. end: Rhymezone
  19. End-, end: Multi-Lingual Dictionary
  20. end: Webster's 1828 Dictionary
  21. End: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (1898)
  22. end, end-: Free Dictionary
  23. end: Mnemonic Dictionary
  24. end, end-: Dictionary/thesaurus
  25. end: Wikimedia Commons US English Pronunciations

Art (5 matching dictionaries)
  1. end: Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names
  2. Shakespeare Glossary (No longer online)
  3. The Organon: A Conceptually Indexed Dictionary (by Genus and Differentia) (No longer online)
  4. Jazz Humor (No longer online)
  5. end-: A Cross Reference of Latin and Greek Elements

Business (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. Construction Term Glossary (No longer online)
  2. End (philosophy), end: Legal dictionary

Computing (1 matching dictionary)
  1. end, end-: Encyclopedia

Medicine (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. online medical dictionary (No longer online)
  2. end, end(o)-, end-: Medical dictionary

Miscellaneous (5 matching dictionaries)
  1. Encyclopedia of Graphic Symbols (No longer online)
  2. END: Acronym Finder
  3. END: Three Letter Words with definitions
  4. AbbreviationZ (No longer online)
  5. end: Idioms

Religion (1 matching dictionary)
  1. End: Easton Bible

Science (1 matching dictionary)
  1. FOLDOP - Free On Line Dictionary Of Philosophy (No longer online)

Slang (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. end: Green’s Dictionary of Slang
  2. The End, end: Urban Dictionary

Sports (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. Hickok Sports Glossaries (No longer online)
  2. End: Sports Definitions

Tech (5 matching dictionaries)
  1. AUTOMOTIVE TERMS (No longer online)
  2. Glossary of Composite Terms (No longer online)
  3. K & A glossary (No longer online)
  4. Woodworking Glossary (No longer online)
  5. End: Fiberglass Glossary

(Note: See ended as well.)

Definitions from Wiktionary (
American English Definition British English Definition
noun:  The terminal point of something in space or time.
noun:  (by extension) The cessation of an effort, activity, state, or motion.
noun:  (by extension) Death.
noun:  The most extreme point of an object, especially one that is longer than it is wide.
noun:  Result.
noun:  A purpose, goal, or aim.
noun:  (cricket) One of the two parts of the ground used as a descriptive name for half of the ground.
noun:  (American football) The position at the end of either the offensive or defensive line, a tight end, a split end, a defensive end.
noun:  (curling) A period of play in which each team throws eight rocks, two per player, in alternating fashion.
noun:  (mathematics) An ideal point of a graph or other complex. See End (graph theory)
noun:  That which is left; a remnant; a fragment; a scrap.
noun:  One of the yarns of the worsted warp in a Brussels carpet.
noun:  (in the plural, slang, African-American Vernacular) Money.
verb:  (intransitive, ergative) To come to an end.
verb:  (intransitive) To conclude; to bring something to an end.
verb:  (transitive) To finish, terminate.
noun:  A key that when pressed causes the cursor to go to the last character of the current line.
noun:  (underwater diving) Acronym of equivalent narcotic depth.






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