Definitions from Wiktionary (ELAN)
▸ noun: A male given name from Hebrew, variant of Elon.
▸ noun: Uncommon spelling of élan. [Spirit; zeal; ardor.]
▸ noun: (astronomy) Acronym of enormous Lyman-alpha nebula. [(astronomy) A large gas cloud (nebula) larger than galaxies, found in intergalactic space, which radiates with an emission spectrum containing 2.47 THz lines (Lyman-alpha lines).]
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▸ noun: A male given name from Hebrew, variant of Elon.
▸ noun: Uncommon spelling of élan. [Spirit; zeal; ardor.]
▸ noun: (astronomy) Acronym of enormous Lyman-alpha nebula. [(astronomy) A large gas cloud (nebula) larger than galaxies, found in intergalactic space, which radiates with an emission spectrum containing 2.47 THz lines (Lyman-alpha lines).]
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