In dictionaries:
alter ego
Secondary or alternative personality aspect.
Ego psychology
Understanding and balancing the self.
Ego ideal
Idealized self-image and personal standards.
ego identity
transcendental Ego
(philosophy, phenomenology, Kantianism) The conscious self which is the unifying subject of a person's experiences and which cannot itself be experienced as an object, understood by Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) as knowable only by inference, and understood by Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) as pure consciousness.
ego trip
Excessive self-importance or self-indulgence.
Ego integrity
the term given by Erik Erikson to the last of his eight stages of psychosocial development, and used by him to represent 'a post-narcissistic love of the human ego—as an experience which conveys some world order and spiritual sense, no matter how dearly paid for'.
super ego
auxiliary ego
(psychotherapy) A therapist or copatient who acts out a role in a patient's psychodrama.
ideal ego
absolute ego
(philosophy) The Fichtean ego that posits its own existence and through the opposition of subject and object thus created dialectically evolves the universe.
ego ideals
ego boost
Alternative spelling of egoboost [(informal) Something that makes one feel better about oneself.]
ego trips
Excessive self-importance guiding one's actions.
ego syntonic
Aligned with one's self-image.
ego libido