Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ noun: editor
▸ noun: education (uncountable)
▸ noun: A diminutive of Edward, Edgar, Edwin, or other male given names beginning with Ed-.
▸ noun: Initialism of erectile dysfunction. [(medicine, pathology) The inability of a male to achieve or sustain an erection.]
▸ noun: Initialism of emergency department. [(healthcare) A department of a hospital where seriously ill or injured patients, often with life-threatening conditions that require urgent or immediate treatment, are brought in, usually by ambulance.]
▸ noun: Initialism of elimination diet. [(medicine) A diagnostic procedure used to identify foods that a person cannot consume without adverse effects.]
▸ noun: Initialism of eating disorder. [Any psychological disorder characterized by abnormal eating habits.]
▸ noun: (films, television) Abbreviation of ending theme; end title sequence.
▸ Word origin
▸ Words similar to ed
▸ Usage examples for ed
▸ Idioms related to ed
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular adjectives describing ed
▸ Words that often appear near ed
▸ Rhymes of ed
▸ Invented words related to ed