Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ noun: The eastern region or area; the inhabitants thereof.
▸ noun: (ecclesiastical) In a church: the direction of the altar and chancel; the direction faced by the priest when celebrating ad orientem.
▸ adjective: Situated or lying in or towards the east; eastward.
▸ adjective: (meteorology) Blowing (as wind) from the east.
▸ adjective: Of or pertaining to the east; eastern.
▸ adjective: From the East; oriental.
▸ adjective: (ecclesiastical) Designating, or situated in, the liturgical east.
▸ adverb: towards the east; eastwards
▸ noun: A personification of the wind from the east.
▸ noun: The Eastern world; the regions, primarily situated in the Eastern Hemisphere, whose culture is derived from Arabia, India, Persia or China.
▸ noun: The Eastern Bloc; the eastern countries of Europe.
▸ noun: (historical) the Soviet Union and its socialist allies during the Cold War.
▸ noun: The eastern states of the United States.
▸ noun: The eastern part of any region.
▸ noun: A civil parish of Kings County, Prince Edward Island, Canada.
▸ noun: A surname.
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