Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ noun: The quantity of an agent (not always active) substance or radiation administered or experienced at any one time.
▸ noun: (figurative, dated) Anything disagreeable that must be taken.
▸ noun: (figurative, dated) A good measure or lengthy experience of something.
▸ noun: A venereal infection.
▸ noun: (Ireland, colloquial) A cold; a common, viral illness of the nasal passage, sometimes with fever.
▸ verb: (transitive) To administer a dose to.
▸ verb: To prescribe a dose.
▸ verb: To transmit a venereal disease.
▸ noun: Archaic form of doze. [A light, short sleep or nap.]
▸ verb: Archaic form of doze. [(intransitive) To sleep lightly or briefly; to nap, snooze.]
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