In dictionaries:
the deity
Supreme being worshipped by humans.
supreme deity
A supreme deity, supreme god or supreme being is the conception of the sole deity of monotheistic religions or, in polytheistic or henotheistic religions, the paramount deity or supernatural entity which is above all others.
tutelary deity
(religion) A deity, usually minor, serving as a tutelary (guardian or supporter) for a place, person, group, or activity.
hindu deity
Gods and goddesses in Hinduism.
Solar deity
A solar deity or sun deity is a deity who represents the Sun or an aspect thereof.
egyptian deity
Gods and goddesses of Egypt.
greek deity
Gods and goddesses from Greece.
roman deity
Gods and goddesses of Rome.
household deity
(mythology, religion) A minor tutelary deity watching over a household, usually conceived as a protective ancestral spirit or genius loci.
celtic deity
Gods from ancient Celtic mythology.
semitic deity
Gods from ancient Semitic cultures.
persian deity
Gods from ancient Persian mythology.
norse deity
Gods from ancient Scandinavian mythology.
phrygian deity
Ancient god from Phrygia region.