Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ noun: A period of ten years , particularly such a period beginning with a year ending in 0 and ending with a year ending in 9.
▸ noun: A period of ten days, (history) particularly those in the ancient Egyptian, Coptic, and French Revolutionary calendars.
▸ noun: (literary, archaic) A work in ten parts or books, particularly such divisions of Livy's History of Rome.
▸ noun: (Roman Catholicism) A series of prayers counted on a rosary, typically consisting of an Our Father, followed by ten Hail Marys, and concluding with a Glory Be and sometimes the Fatima Prayer.
▸ noun: Any of the sets of ten sequential braille characters with predictable patterns.
▸ noun: (electronics) A set of ten electronic devices used to represent digits.
▸ noun: (electronics) A set of resistors, capacitors, etc. connected so as to provide even increments between one and ten times a base electrical resistance.
▸ noun: (physics, engineering) The interval between any two quantities having a ratio of 10 to 1.
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