In dictionaries:
dart out
dart board
Circular target for throwing darts.
dart about
(informal, idiomatic) To move around quickly, perhaps frequently changing directions.
Raymond Dart
Raymond Arthur Dart (4 February 1893 – 22 November 1988) was an Australian anatomist and anthropologist, best known for his involvement in the 1924 discovery of the first fossil found of Australopithecus africanus, an extinct hominin closely related to humans, at Taung in the North of South Africa in the Northwest province.
dart gun
Device for shooting tranquilizer darts.
dart point
tranquilizer dart
A projectile used to inject a drug into a target, usually an animal, from a distance in order to immobilize it.
dart leader
Initial discharge in lightning strike.
dart thrower
Device that propels small projectiles.
paper dart
dart throwers
dart sac
Reproductive gland in gastropods.
dart player
Participant in precision-target throwing game.
objet dart
Artistic object intended for display.
lawn dart
A large dart used in the playing of certain lawn games.
egg and dart
Classical ornamental motif, alternating shapes.
cupids dart
Flowering plant with blue blooms.