Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ verb: To gather, collect.
▸ verb: To select animals from a group and then kill them in order to reduce the numbers of the group in a controlled manner.
▸ verb: (nonstandard, euphemistic) To kill (animals etc).
▸ verb: To lay off in order to reduce the size of, get rid of.
▸ verb: (computer graphics) To selectively not render or process certain objects, such as polygons.
▸ noun: A selection.
▸ noun: An organized killing of selected animals.
▸ noun: (agriculture) An individual animal selected to be killed, or item of produce to be discarded.
▸ noun: (seafood industry) A lobster having only one claw.
▸ noun: A piece unfit for inclusion within a larger group; an inferior specimen.
▸ noun: (slang, dialectal) A fool, gullible person; a dupe.
▸ noun: A surname.
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