Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ verb: (intransitive) To press together or collect in numbers
▸ verb: (transitive) To press or drive together, especially into a small space; to cram.
▸ verb: (transitive) To fill by pressing or thronging together
▸ verb: (transitive, often used with "out of" or "off") To push, to press, to shove.
▸ verb: (nautical) To approach another ship too closely when it has right of way.
▸ verb: (nautical, of a square-rigged ship, transitive) To carry excessive sail in the hope of moving faster.
▸ verb: (transitive) To press by solicitation; to urge; to dun; hence, to treat discourteously or unreasonably.
▸ noun: A group of people congregated or collected into a close body without order.
▸ noun: Several things collected or closely pressed together; also, some things adjacent to each other.
▸ noun: (with definite article) The so-called lower orders of people; the populace, vulgar.
▸ noun: A group of people united or at least characterised by a common interest.
▸ noun: (now dialectal) A fiddle.
▸ verb: (obsolete, intransitive) To play on a crowd; to fiddle.
▸ noun: (obsolete) Alternative form of crwth [(historical) An archaic stringed instrument associated particularly with Wales, though once played widely in Europe, and characterized by a vaulted back and enough space for the player to stop each of the six strings on the fingerboard. Played variously by plucking or bowing.]
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