Definitions from Wiktionary (cracked)
▸ adjective: Broken so that cracks appear on, or under, the surface.
▸ adjective: Broken into coarse pieces.
▸ adjective: (of a voice) Harsh or dissonant.
▸ adjective: (slang) Extremely good at something (usually a video game).
▸ adjective: (slang) Crazy; crackpot.
▸ Words similar to cracked
▸ Usage examples for cracked
▸ Idioms related to cracked
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular nouns described by cracked
▸ Words that often appear near cracked
▸ Rhymes of cracked
▸ Invented words related to cracked
▸ adjective: Broken so that cracks appear on, or under, the surface.
▸ adjective: Broken into coarse pieces.
▸ adjective: (of a voice) Harsh or dissonant.
▸ adjective: (slang) Extremely good at something (usually a video game).
▸ adjective: (slang) Crazy; crackpot.
▸ Words similar to cracked
▸ Usage examples for cracked
▸ Idioms related to cracked
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular nouns described by cracked
▸ Words that often appear near cracked
▸ Rhymes of cracked
▸ Invented words related to cracked