In dictionaries:
Cow dung
Excrement from a bovine animal.
mad cow
Disease from abnormal prion proteins.
sacred cow
Untouchable subject beyond any criticism.
dairy cow
Bovine animal bred for milk.
cow manure
Fertilizer from digested cow waste.
cash cow
Business generating consistent, significant profits.
milk cow
Cow bred for producing milk.
cow milk
Dairy product from female bovines.
holy cow
Expression of surprise or disbelief.
cow pasture
Land for grazing dairy cattle.
sea cow
Large aquatic herbivorous marine mammal.
milch cow
Cow bred primarily for milk.
black cow
Root beer float with ice cream.
cow town
Small town known for cattle.
cow country
a 1953 American Western film directed by Lesley Selander and written by Adele Buffington and Thomas W. Blackburn.
fresh cow
Recently calved dairy cattle female.
cow barn
Shelter for housing dairy cattle.
brown cow
Cow with brown colored coat.
jersey cow
dun cow
a common motif in English folklore.