In dictionaries:
cotton cloth
Woven fabric made from cotton.
cotton mills
cotton industry
Production, processing of cotton fibers.
Cotton Mather
Puritan minister, prolific colonial writer.
cotton wool
Soft, absorbent fibers from plants.
cotton mill
Factory for spinning or weaving cotton.
cotton to
Develop a liking or affinity.
cotton gin
Machine that quickly separates cotton fibers.
Cotton Fields
"(The Cotton Song)" (also known as In Them Old Cotton Fields Back Home) a song written by American blues musician Huddie Ledbetter, better known as Lead Belly, who made the first recording of the song in 1940.
john cotton
Puritan minister, early American colonist.
cotton fabric
Textile made from cotton fibers.
cotton seed
Seed from which cotton grows.
cotton balls
Soft, absorbent spheres of cotton.
cotton candy
Sweet, fluffy, spun sugar confection.
Cotton Club
a 20th-century nightclub in New York City.