In dictionaries:
coral reefs
Diverse underwater ecosystems formed biologically.
coral reef
Diverse underwater ecosystems built by corals.
Coral Gables
City in Florida, historic architecture.
Coral Sea
Ocean area, diverse marine life.
coral islands
coral snake
Venomous, brightly colored, slender snake.
coral island
Island formed from coral accumulations.
coral heads
coral rock
an album by jazz saxophonist Archie Shepp recorded in Europe in 1970 for the America label at the same sessions which produced Pitchin Can.
coral snakes
Venomous, brightly colored, slender snakes.
red coral
Precious marine gemstone, reddish skeleton.
coral sand
a form of aragonite sand particles originating in tropical and sub-tropical marine environments primarily from bioerosion of limestone skeletal material of marine organisms.
black coral
Deep-sea coral, dark, branching.
coral bleaching
(ecology) The loss of colour in a coral reef due to the loss of symbiotic algae as a result of stress.
white coral
Calcium carbonate skeleton of polyps.
soft coral
Any of the order Alcyonacea of corals that do not produce calcium carbonate skeletons.