In dictionaries:
consent to
Agree to participate or accept.
informed consent
Understanding and agreeing to treatment.
consent form
Authorization agreement for specific actions.
consent decree
Court-approved agreement resolving litigation.
common consent
a democratic principle established by Joseph Smith, the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, who taught in 1830 that "all things must be done in order, and by common consent in the church, by the prayer of faith."
Parental consent
Parental consent laws (also known as parental involvement laws) in some countries require that one or more parents consent to or be notified before their minor child can legally engage in certain activities.
Unanimous consent
Agreement by all without objection.
consent forms
tacit consent
Implicit agreement through lack of objection.
consent order
Court-approved agreement between parties.
implied consent
Consent assumed by one's actions.
express consent
Clear, explicit permission given voluntarily.
consent decrees