In dictionaries:
goldbach conjecture
poincare conjecture
Kepler conjecture
The Kepler conjecture, named after the 17th-century mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler, is a mathematical theorem about sphere packing in three-dimensional Euclidean space.
hoop conjecture
The hoop conjecture, proposed by Kip Thorne in 1972, states that an imploding object forms a black hole when, and only when, a circular hoop with a specific critical circumference could be placed around the object and rotated about its diameter.
Geometrization conjecture
thumb | right | alt=A man with dark hair, large square glasses, and a white collared shirt is shown with a small smile | William Thurston (pictured) proposed this conjecture in 1982
Goldbach's conjecture
(number theory) A conjecture stating that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes.
goldbachs conjecture
Every even number above two.
Beal's conjecture
Alternative form of Beal conjecture [(mathematics) A conjecture stating that, if Aˣ+Bʸ=Cᶻ, where A, B, C, x, y, and z are positive integers with x, y, z > 2, then A, B, and C have a common prime factor.]
beals conjecture
Relationship between powers and coefficients.
abc conjecture
(number theory) Given coprime positive integers a, b and c, such that a + b = c, and d the radical of abc (the product of its distinct prime factors), the conjecture that d is usually not much smaller than c (in other words, that if a and b are divisible by large powers of primes, then c usually is not).