Definitions from Wiktionary ()
▸ noun: The upper limit of an object or action.
▸ noun: (aviation) The highest altitude at which an aircraft can safely maintain flight.
▸ noun: (meteorology) The measurement of visible distance from ground or sea level to an overcast cloud cover; under a clear sky, the ceiling measurement is identified as "unlimited."
▸ noun: (mathematics) The smallest integer greater than or equal to a given number.
▸ noun: (nautical) The inner planking of a vessel.
▸ noun: (finance) The maximum permitted level in a financial transaction.
▸ noun: (architecture) The overhead interior surface that covers the upper limits of a room.
drop ceiling,
suspended ceiling,
popcorn ceiling,
cathedral ceiling,
flat ceiling,
sloped ceiling,
barrel vault,
domed ceiling,
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