In dictionaries:
portrait bust
Sculpture depicting head and shoulders.
bust out
Fraudulently driving a company bankrupt.
bust up
End a relationship or partnership.
drug bust
Police seizure of illegal drugs.
baby bust
Sharp decline in birth rates.
draped bust
"Draped Bust" was the name given to a design of United States coins.
beer bust
Party featuring unlimited beer consumption.
capped bust
The Capped Bust coinage of the United States consisted of a half dime, dime, quarter and half dollar.
boom bust
bust ass
Work extremely hard or diligently.
bust up takeover
Hostile acquisition, breaking target company.
boom and bust
Rapid growth followed by decline.
bust a gut
Laugh extremely hard, strain abdomen.
buy and bust operation
Undercover purchase leading to arrest.
drugs bust
Police seizure of illegal narcotics.
Nefertiti Bust
a painted stucco-coated limestone bust of Nefertiti, the Great Royal Wife of Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten.