Usually means: Organization providing goods or services.
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We found 45 dictionaries that define the word business:

General (26 matching dictionaries)
  1. business, the business:
  2. business: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
  3. business: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
  4. business: Collins English Dictionary
  5. business:
  6. Business, business, business, business: Wordnik
  7. business: Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
  8. business, the business: Wiktionary
  9. business: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th Ed.
  10. business: The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus
  11. business: Infoplease Dictionary
  12. Business, business:
  13. business: Online Etymology Dictionary
  14. business: Cambridge Essential American English Dictionary
  15. Business (disambiguation), Business (song), Business, The Business (TV program), The Business (TV series), The Business (band), The Business (disambiguation), The Business (film), The Business (magazine), The Business (novel), The Business (song), The business: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
  16. Business: Online Plain Text English Dictionary
  17. business: Webster's Revised Unabridged, 1913 Edition
  18. business: Rhymezone
  19. business: Multi-Lingual Dictionary
  20. business: Webster's 1828 Dictionary
  21. business: Free Dictionary
  22. business: Dictionary/thesaurus
  23. business: Wikimedia Commons US English Pronunciations
  24. business: Mnemonic Dictionary

Art (1 matching dictionary)
  1. Technical Glossary of Theatre Terms (No longer online)

Business (10 matching dictionaries)
  1. business: Webster's New World Finance & Investment Dictionary
  2. business: Dictionary
  3. Everybody's Legal Dictionary (No longer online)
  4. INVESTORWORDS (No longer online)
  5. business: Glossary of research economics
  6. Business: Deardorff's Glossary of International Economics
  7. Business: Investopedia
  8. business: Legal dictionary
  9. business: Financial dictionary
  10. (No longer online)

Computing (1 matching dictionary)
  1. business: Encyclopedia

Medicine (2 matching dictionaries)
  1. online medical dictionary (No longer online)
  2. business: Medical dictionary

Miscellaneous (3 matching dictionaries)
  1. Encyclopedia of Graphic Symbols (No longer online)
  2. business: Idioms
  3. business: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Slang (1 matching dictionary)
  1. business, business: Green’s Dictionary of Slang

Sports (1 matching dictionary)
  1. 2060 Shadow-Slang (No longer online)

(Note: See businessing as well.)

Definitions from Wiktionary (
American English Definition British English Definition
noun:  (countable) A specific commercial enterprise or establishment.
noun:  (countable) A person's occupation, work, or trade.
noun:  (uncountable) Commercial, industrial, or professional activity.
noun:  (uncountable) The volume or amount of commercial trade.
noun:  (uncountable) One's dealings; patronage.
noun:  (uncountable) Private commercial interests taken collectively.
noun:  (uncountable) The management of commercial enterprises, or the study of such management.
noun:  (countable) A particular situation or activity.
noun:  (countable) Any activity or objective needing to be dealt with; especially, one of a financial or legal matter.
noun:  (uncountable) Something involving one personally.
noun:  (uncountable, parliamentary procedure) Matters that come before a body for deliberation or action.
noun:  (travel, uncountable) Business class, the class of seating provided by airlines between first class and coach.
noun:  (countable, rare) The collective noun for a group of ferrets.
noun:  (slang, British) Something very good; top quality. (possibly from "the bee's knees")
noun:  (slang, uncountable) The act of defecation, or the excrement itself, particularly that of a non-human animal.
noun:  (slang) Disruptive shenanigans.
noun:  (Australian Aboriginal) Matters. (e.g sorry business = a funeral)
adjective:  Of, to, pertaining to, or used for purposes of conducting trade, commerce, governance, advocacy or other professional purposes.
adjective:  Professional, businesslike, having concern for good business practice.
adjective:  Supporting business, conducive to the conduct of business.
noun:  (acting, theater) Ellipsis of stage business (“aspect of acting”). [(theater, idiomatic, term of art) Actions performed by an actor on stage done for dramatic effect; especially, action carried out with a prop or piece of clothing, usually away from the focus of the scene, with or without any dialogue.]






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