Definitions from Wiktionary (burrowing owl)
▸ noun: A small owl of the Americas (Athene cunicularia or Speotyto cunicularia), which lives in holes, often dug by prairie dogs.
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▸ Invented words related to burrowing owl
▸ noun: A small owl of the Americas (Athene cunicularia or Speotyto cunicularia), which lives in holes, often dug by prairie dogs.
little owl,
elf owl,
northern hawk owl,
pygmy owl,
Acadian owl,
hoot owl,
horned owl,
▸ Words similar to burrowing owl
▸ Usage examples for burrowing owl
▸ Idioms related to burrowing owl
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Words that often appear near burrowing owl
▸ Rhymes of burrowing owl
▸ Invented words related to burrowing owl