In dictionaries:
limb bud
Embryonic precursor to limbs, fins.
flower bud
Immature flower, pre-bloom stage.
terminal bud
Apex of shoot, stops growth.
taste bud
Sensory receptors for detecting flavors.
Bud Powell
Earl Rudolph "Bud" Powell (September 27, 1924 – July 31, 1966) was an American jazz pianist and composer.
Axillary bud
Embryonic shoot located in axil.
bud scales
ureteric bud
Embryonic precursor to the ureter.
lateral bud
Axillary bud on plant stem.
tooth bud
Early stage of tooth development.
rose bud
Unopened flower of a rose.
red bud
Flowering tree, early spring blooms.
leaf bud
Embryonic shoot, site of growth.
tail bud
Embryonic precursor to the tail.
cotton bud
Small stick for cleaning ears.
Bud Selig
Allan Huber "Bud" Selig (born July 30, 1934) is an American baseball executive who currently serves as the Commissioner Emeritus of Baseball.
lung bud
The lung bud sometimes referred to as the respiratory bud forms from the respiratory diverticulum, an embryological endodermal structure that develops into the respiratory tract organs such as the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs.
Bud Abbott
William Alexander "Bud" Abbott (October 2, 1897 – April 24, 1974) was an American comedian, actor and producer.
bud moth
Insect pest damaging fruit trees.