In dictionaries:
material breach
Significant violation of contract terms.
security breach
anticipatory breach
Breach of contract before performance.
clear breach
Violation of established rules or norms.
efficient breach
In legal theory, particularly in law and economics, efficient breach is a voluntary breach of contract and payment of damages by a party who concludes that they would incur greater economic loss by performing under the contract.
partial breach
Incomplete fulfillment of contractual obligations.
practicable breach
Feasible gap allowing effective action.
levee breach
A levee breach or levee failure (also known as dyke breach or dyke failure) is a situation where a levee (or dyke) fails or is intentionally breached, causing the previously contained water to flood the land behind the levee.
breach of contract
Failure to fulfill agreed obligations.
breach of the peace
Disruption of public order, tranquility.
breach of trust
Violation of entrusted fiduciary duty.