In dictionaries:
the bomb
Extremely impressive or successful thing.
atomic bomb
Explosive device using nuclear reactions.
a bomb
Explosive device designed to detonate.
atom bomb
Nuclear weapon using atomic fission.
hydrogen bomb
Nuclear weapon using fusion process.
time bomb
Device set to explode later.
nuclear bomb
Explosive device using nuclear reactions.
car bomb
Vehicle used as explosive device.
neutron bomb
Weapon that kills, spares structures.
bomb attack
Explosive device detonated to harm.
Bomb bay
Compartment for carrying aircraft bombs.
bomb shelter
Protective structure against explosive attacks.
bomb blast
Explosive device detonation causing destruction.
Bomb threat
A bomb threat or bomb scare is a threat, usually verbal or written, to detonate an explosive or incendiary device to cause property damage, death, injuries, and/or incite fear, whether or not such a device actually exists.
bomb squad
Experts trained to defuse explosives.
bomb shelters
flying bomb
Unmanned aerial vehicle carrying explosives.