In dictionaries:
the blue
Vast, mysterious expanse of ocean.
Blue eyes
Eye color variant, genetically determined.
blue sky
Clear, unobstructed expanse above Earth.
dark blue
Deep, rich shade of blue.
pale blue
Light azure resembling clear sky.
deep blue
Deep, intense shade of blue.
light blue
Pale, soothing shade of blue.
blue light
Light with short, high-energy wavelengths.
Blue Ridge
Mountain range in eastern USA.
blue cross
Health insurance organization, nonprofit provider.
bright blue
Vivid, deep shade of blue.
blue jeans
Durable denim pants, universally popular.
blue book
Official guide for vehicle values.
methylene blue
Dye used in medical staining.
blue collar
Manual labor, often skilled trades.
blue shield
Protection for police, symbolically represented.
blue water
Deep oceanic waters, open sea.
blue ribbon
Award for excellence or achievement.