Definitions from Wiktionary (beamy)
▸ adjective: Resembling a beam in size and weight; massy.
▸ adjective: (archaic) Having horns or antlers.
▸ adjective: (nautical) Having much beam or breadth; wide.
▸ adjective: Showing or emitting rays of light; beaming; radiant; shining.
▸ adjective: (figuratively) Radiant; beamsome; joyous; gladsome.
▸ Words similar to beamy
▸ Usage examples for beamy
▸ Idioms related to beamy
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular nouns described by beamy
▸ Words that often appear near beamy
▸ Rhymes of beamy
▸ Invented words related to beamy
▸ adjective: Resembling a beam in size and weight; massy.
▸ adjective: (archaic) Having horns or antlers.
▸ adjective: (nautical) Having much beam or breadth; wide.
▸ adjective: Showing or emitting rays of light; beaming; radiant; shining.
▸ adjective: (figuratively) Radiant; beamsome; joyous; gladsome.
▸ Words similar to beamy
▸ Usage examples for beamy
▸ Idioms related to beamy
▸ Wikipedia articles (New!)
▸ Popular nouns described by beamy
▸ Words that often appear near beamy
▸ Rhymes of beamy
▸ Invented words related to beamy