In dictionaries:
the basin
river basin
Area drained by a river.
Great Basin
Large, arid, North American region.
drainage basin
Area draining water to river.
Amazon basin
the part of South America drained by the Amazon River and its tributaries.
pacific basin
ocean basin
Depression containing Earth's ocean water.
lake basin
Congo Basin
the sedimentary basin of the Congo River.
wash basin
Sink for washing hands, face.
Paris Basin
one of the major geological regions of France.
Tarim Basin
An endorheic basin in Xinjiang, northwest China, occupying an area of about 906,500 km2 (350,000 sq mi).
sedimentary basin
(geology) A geologic structure, a basin (“bowl, depression, hole”) in harder rock that is filled-in with sediments.
permian basin
a large sedimentary basin in the southwestern part of the United States.
coal basin